Nicole Kaufman
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I graduated from Art Center College of Design in California but began my formal art training at Oskar Kokoschka's International School of Seeing in beautiful Salzburg, Austria, home of The Sound of Music. Here are a few of my favorite things: white space, black ink, red wine.
Clients include:
Barnes & Noble Publishing
Bon Appetit
Clarkson Potter PublishersChronicle Book
Clarkson Potter Publishers
Crown Publishers
DDB Worldwide
Foote, Cone &Belding
Glamour Magazine
Glaxo Wellcome
HarperCollins Publishing
InStyle Magazine
Knopf Publishing Group
Merck Pharmaceuticals
O, The Oprah Magzine
Random House
Reader's Digest
Rodale Books
Stolen Fruit
Tyndale House
Weldon-Owen Publishing
Whole Foods Market
William Morrow
Workman Publishing
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